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1. Witches

Murder in Suburbia

When the body of a teenager is discovered in a cemetery, detectives Ash and Scribbs delve into the scary world of schoolgirl witchcraft.

Saturday, 25th May 8.00pm


1. Witches

When the body of a teenager is discovered in a cemetery, detectives Ash and Scribbs delve into the scary world of schoolgirl witchcraft. 45mins

Saturday, 25th May 8.00pm

2. Death of an Estate Agent

No one seems to be mourning the death of estate agent Phil Jakes. Ash and Scribbs are called in when Phil's body is discovered... 45mins

Saturday, 1st Jun 8.00pm

3. Wedding Bells

Ash and Scribbs are called to the aftermath of a wedding at which the bride's father has been electrocuted in a fish pond - did the bride do it? 45mins

Saturday, 8th Jun 8.00pm

4. Viva La Salsa

A beautiful young Salsa dancer is pushed to her death from the balcony of her flat 45mins

Saturday, 15th Jun 8.00pm