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Episode 11

Pressure Pad

Host John Barrowman greets 10 competitors who are separated into two teams of five and compete against each other through trivia-based rounds.

Sunday, 23rd Jun 6.00pm

Episode 12

Host John Barrowman greets 10 competitors who are separated into two teams of five and compete against each other through trivia-based rounds. 43mins

Saturday, 29th Jun 6.00pm

Episode 11

Host John Barrowman greets 10 competitors who are separated into two teams of five and compete against each other through trivia-based rounds. 44mins

Sunday, 23rd Jun 6.00pm

Episode 10

Host John Barrowman greets 10 competitors who are separated into two teams of five and compete against each other through trivia-based rounds. 44mins

Saturday, 22nd Jun 3.25pm

Episode 9

Host John Barrowman greets 10 competitors who are separated into two teams of five and compete against each other through trivia-based rounds. 44mins

Sunday, 16th Jun 6.00pm

Episode 8

Host John Barrowman greets 10 competitors who are separated into two teams of five and compete against each other through trivia-based rounds 44mins

Saturday, 15th Jun 6.00pm