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Chicken and Veggie Skewers with Honey, Soy & Lime

Wed, 26 June 2024

Chicken and Veggie Skewers with Honey, Soy & Lime

Serves 4


· 2-4 Chicken Breasts, works really well with firm tofu or halloumi

· 1-2 pieces of veg – courgette, aubergine, peppers

· 2tbls Ginger (about the size of your thumb)

· 3 garlic cloves, chopped

· 4tbls honey

· 4tbls Soy sauce

· 4tbls Medium Sherry or Port (Cream Sherry will do but contains more sugar)

· 1 Lime, zest and juice

· 300ml Stock

· ½ tsp Chilli powder or flakes

· Salt & Pepper

· Coriander for garnish



1. Pre heat your BBQ.

2. Cube the chicken and veggies.

3. Skewer the meat and veggies on to wooden sticks varying one after the other. Ie: cube of chicken , piece of veg, cube of chicken.

4. Place in a flat dish with edges so that you can marinate them.

5. Place all other ingredients in a jug and mix well.

6. Add the jug of ingredients to the skewers and marinade for 1-24 hours in the fridge.

7. Place skewers on hot BBQ or under the grill in the oven.

8. Turn after 3-4 minutes and allow to cook on the other side.

9. If you have excess marinade you can boil it up in a pot to pour over when finished.

10. The skewers should take 10 minutes altogether.

11. Check the thickest piece of chicken to see if it fully cooked all the way through.

12. Remove from the BBQ and pour over remaining hot sauce.

13. Serve with your favourite summe.r salads and spuds