The Six O'Clock Show

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French toast, Wexford strawberries, streaky bacon and vanilla yoghurt

Thu, 20 June 2024

French toast, Wexford strawberries, streaky bacon and vanilla yoghurt


8 slices brioche  

3 eggs  

100mls milk  

Knob of Butter 

8 slices of smoked streaky bacon 

1 bottle of good Canadian maple syrup  

500g strawberries  

Icing sugar  

100mls vanilla yoghurt   



  • Crack the eggs into a dish, whisk and add the milk and whisk again until combined  
  • Butter the brioche and place into the egg mixture  
  • Place a medium sized non-stick pan on a medium heat to warm, add a little oil to the pan and fry the eggy bread for 2 minutes in each side to get a golden crust  
  • Grill the streaky bacon to serve on side 
  • For the strawberries, remove the green stalks, quarter the strawberries and place in a bowl with a small dusting of icing sugar  
  • Place the cooked pancakes in the centre of a plate. Dust with icing sugar and place the bacon on the top.  
  • I like to serve the maple syrup, vanilla yogurt and the dressed strawberries in the centre of table so your guests can help themselves