Screen Slaves
Screen Slaves

Monday, October 19th at 10pm

Catch up on Virgin Media Player


Tue, 13 October 2015


Orla O'Neill is a 40-year-old married production operator from Moate in Co Westmeath.

Her sister Sharon nominated her to appear on 'Screen Slaves' because she says Orla "Is an addict. She has no life outside of Facebook. You talk to her she doesn't even hear you. She doesn't realise how bad she is."

Her husband Darren also says he has to nag her about her use, especially when she ignores visitors in their home, logging on to check her newfeed and for status updates instead. 

However, Orla isn't convinced "I'm not an addict, no. Don't think so. I haven't done without it for a day so I don't know yet."