Screen Slaves
Screen Slaves

Monday, October 19th at 10pm

Catch up on Virgin Media Player

Disclosure: Screen Slaves airs this Monday

Tue, 13 October 2015

Disclosure: Screen Slaves airs this Monday

Do you wake up with Facebook or go to sleep with Twitter? Do you photograph or video every moment and share it on your newsfeed, Youtube or Instagram?  Are you a #socialmediaaddict?

If so, you are not alone.

Surveys estimate most of us pick up our phones around 150 times a day, often to check social media. In this brand new documentary for TV3, Adrian Weckler, Technology Editor of the Irish Independent, meets self-confessed social media addicts of a variety of ages, and sets them the challenge of doing a digital detox for a full week.

Whether at locations like the music festival Castlepalooza, or at a Dublin TweetUp, Adrian also gets the views of a wide variety of social media users and experts about how facebook, twitter and snapchat, are changing our relationships, our brains and our behaviours.

Disclosure: Screen Slaves airs on TV3 on Monday, October 19th at 10pm.