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Peach and Cream Pie

Sat, 24 August 2024

Peach and Cream Pie


230 g chilled unsalted butter
300 g self-raising flour
15 g white sugar
5 g salt
50 mls cold water
For The Filling:
675 g peeled and chopped peaches (fresh or canned)
200 g white sugar
50 g self-raising flour
1⁄8 teaspoon salt (less than 1 g)
2 eggs, beaten
125 g sour cream
100 g white sugar
75 g self-raising flour
60 g butter


1). For pie crust, you could use the above recipe or buy ready-made shortcrust from the store.
The above recipe will give you enough for two crusts, although you’ll only need one for this
2). Put dry ingredients in the food processor. Add butter in small pieces. Pulse no more than 30
seconds to blend. Add ice water one tablespoon at a time through the top of the processor until
pastry holds together but not too wet.
3). Refrigerate at least an hour, wrapping pastry in plastic wrap. Roll out your crust and line the
bottom of your pie pan.
4). Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Place peaches into raw pie pastry.
5). In a medium bowl, mix 200 g sugar, 50 g flour, and 1⁄8 teaspoon salt
6). Add eggs and sour cream. Mix well and spoon your mixture over peaches.
7). In a separate bowl, combine 100 g sugar, 75 g flour, and 60 g butter until mixture resembles
coarse meal. Use a fork or clean hands to mix them together.
8). Sprinkle mixture evenly over pie and bake for 60 minutes or until golden. 

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