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Leftovers Frittata

Mon, 26 August 2024

Leftovers Frittata


  • 4 eggs beaten 
  • 1 small onion finely sliced 
  • ½ courgette grated 
  • ½ tsp garlic minced 
  • Handful of small broccoli florets blanched 
  • Handful of peas 
  • Handful of spinach leaves wilted 
  • Approx. 200g ham/cooked bacon chopped up 
  • 50g grated mature cheddar cheese 
  • Veg oil 
  • Salt and pepper 




  1. In saucepan bring water to the boil and add in the broccoli and peas, boil for 1 minute and strain.  
  1. In a bowl add boiling water to the spinach to wilt, then after a couple of minutes strain and using your hand squeeze all the excess water out of the spinach, be careful the water is very hot. 
  1. Preheat the grill to high. 
  1. Fry off the onions, garlic and courgettes in 1 tbsp of oil until soft and all liquid is evaporated, this will take about 5 minutes. 
  1. Then add in the blanched broccoli, peas and spinach and toss through the other veg, then the ham or bacon and mix well. Season with a good crack of black pepper.  
  1. Pour the eggs over the vegetables evenly and cook on a medium heat for about 5 minutes (or until the eggs begin to set), now sprinkle the cheese evenly over the frittata. 
  1. Put the frying pan under the hot grill and wait for the cheese to melt and bubble and go golden.  
  1. You can now cut it up into wedges and enjoy, serve with some bread and delicious salad. 

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