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Lemon And White Chocolate Tart

Tue, 19 September 2023

Lemon And White Chocolate Tart


Ingredients for the lemon tart

Lemon juice 200 gr

Caster sugar 200gr

Full eggs 200gr

Unsalted butter 200gr

White chocolate 200gr


Ingredient to make sweet pastry

· You can also buy the pastry readymade

· 250 gr flour

· 125 gr unsalted butter

· 60gr icing sugar

· Pinch salt

· 1 egg

· Little water if need be



If you decide to make you pastry

1. Put 250g plain flour and 125g unsalted butter in a bowl and rub together with your fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs.

2. Add the icing sugar and the full egg then. If the dough feel hard, add a little water at the time so when you work the pastry, it should not break in your hand, it should be soft but not too much. When it is done, make a ball, cling film it and rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.




To cook your own pastry or the one you bought from the shop

1. Roll the pastry into a disk, larger than the tart mould you want to use, lay your tart mould with that pastry, making sure all area are covered by the pastry, then top it with a tin foil and then add dry beans and tart weight (you can buy in pastry utensils shop).

2. Cook in oven for 15 to 20 minutes at 170 to 180 degrees. When it is cooked, remove the weight and tin foil so you tart is ready to use for the next step.


Lemon and white chocolate custard

1. In a saucepan, pour your lemon juice, unsalted butter, sugar and full eggs.

2. Cook slowly on the stove and don't stop stirring constantly with your wish.

3. Make sure to go all around the saucepan so nothing stick to the bottom while you are cooking.

4. Never boil the mix, so keep at medium heat

5. The mix will take about 10 minutes or so to cook, until it has a consistent of a custard.

6. At that point, remove from the heat and add the chocolate, and stir.

7. When the chocolate is fully melted, pour the mix directly to the tart and let it cool.

8. It is beautiful to eat with berries, orange segments, passion fruit sorbet. Bon appétit

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