2. Line a 33 x 23cm Swiss roll tin with non-stick baking parchment.
3. Mix the cornflour, vinegar and vanilla extract in a small bowl
4. Beat the egg whites with an electric whisk until frothy and doubled in bulk.
5. Whisk in the caster sugar in one go and carry on whisking until thick and shiny, then add the cornflour mix into the egg whites.
6. Spoon into the tin and level the surface carefully, so you don't push out the air.
7. Bake for 20 minutes until the meringue surface is just firm.
8. Remove from the oven & turn the meringue out onto a sheet of parchment paper or tin foil that has been liberally dusted with caster sugar.
9. Carefully peel off the (upward facing) parchment base & allow to cool.
10. When cool, peel off the lining paper, spread a layer of the orange curd (about half the recipes) all along the meringue.
11. Then, spread most of the cream over the meringue along the centre keeping away a little from the edges. Spread the passionfruit over the cream
12. Use the paper to roll up the roulade from one short end. Keep the join underneath. Top with a little more cream, the toasted almonds and the fruit and mint. Sprinkle icing sugar over