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Spiderweb Halloween Tart

Mon, 30 October 2017

Spiderweb Halloween Tart


For the Pastry:

125g unsalted butter diced and cold

275g plain flour

Pinch of salt

5 tbsp cold water to combine


For the filling:

800g pumpkin purée

200g castor sugar

2 organic eggs

2 tsp cinnamon

Pinch nutmeg

1 tsp of ground ginger

1 zest of a whole lemon

65 ml fresh cream


For the Chocolate ganache:

1 cup of Belgian dark chocolate chips

1/2 cup of pouring cream

1 cup of white chocolate chips

1/3 cup of pouring cream




1.  Pre heat oven to 185c/ 350 f / gas 4

2. Firstly make pastry, add flour and salt in to a bowl

3.  Rub butter and flour together till it resembles breadcrumbs

4.  Add enough cold water till it forms a nice dough, cover with cling film and chill for an hour.

5.  When pastry has chilled, take it out and let it relax then roll it out till it's 3/4 mm thick

6.  Line a 20cm fluted loose bottom flan tin with the pastry

7.  Cover pastry with greaseproof paper and baking beans on top of greaseproof

8.  Pop into pre heated oven for 12 mins

9.  After 12 mins is up, take tart out of oven and remove beans and paper

10.  Return to oven for a further 5 mins till golden brown, take out and leave to cool slightly

11.  Remove the seeds and skin of pumpkin and chop pumpkin flesh and steam till soft

12.  Blitz pumpkin flesh  till a smooth paste is achieved

13.  Place pumpkin purée in a bowl and add 2 eggs, castor sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ground ginger, zest of lemon and fresh cream

14.  Whisk mixture till combined

15.  Pour pumpkin mix into pastry case and bake in oven for 35 mins till top is firm to touch and cooked.  Leave to cool.

16.  Prepare two chocolate ganaches, in two separate saucepans add in the cream into each pan.

17.  When cream starts to boil, add into the first pan the dark chocolate chips and stir till combined and smooth in texture (no lumps) 

18.  Do the same to the second pan but this time when cream boils add in the white chocolate chips, stir till combined and smooth in texture (no lumps )

19.  Place White chocolate mix into a small squeezy bottle or piping bag

20.  Pour chocolate ganache on top of Halloween tart and spread to cover top of tart

21.  Using your white chocolate ganache mix, start from the centre of the tart and make a spiral out to the edge of the tart .

22.  Once spiral is complete, use a tooth pick and drag to create a line from the centre of the tart out to the edge to create a spidersweb image

23.  Serve with some ice cream or vanilla cream.


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