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Pasta with Herb Pesto, Cheese Fritters and Carrot Skin Crisps

Mon, 9 September 2024

Pasta with Herb Pesto, Cheese Fritters and Carrot Skin Crisps



For the Pasta:

  • 400g of your favourite pasta
  • 180ml herb pesto  


For the Cheese Fritters:  

  • 500ml full-fat milk 
  • 80g plain flour, plus extra for dredging 
  • 60g butter, diced 
  • 150g cheese (any kind), grated or chopped into small pieces 
  • 4 dashes of Worcestershire sauce (or soy sauce to keep it vegetarian)  
  • fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 
  • 2 egg yolks 
  • 1 whole egg, beaten 
  • 200g breadcrumbs 
  • rapeseed or sunflower oil, for deep-frying 


For the Carrot Skin Crisps: 

  • 4 carrots, peels only 





To make the fritters, pour the milk into a pot set over a medium heat and slowly heat but do not allow it to boil. When it starts to foam on top, whisk in the flour and butter and cook for 3 minutes, until it is thickened, smooth and silky and the flour has been cooked out. Reduce the heat slightly and add the cheese and the Worcestershire or soy sauce, stirring with a wooden spoon until the cheese has completely melted. Season with salt and pepper, then remove the pot from the heat and allow to cool slightly before whisking in the egg yolks. Pour into a baking tray that’s at least 2.5cm deep and place in the fridge for at least 2 hours, until set firm.  

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 140°C (120°C fan). 

To make the carrot skin crisps while the fritters are chilling, spread out your carrot skins on a baking tray, season with salt and cook in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, turning twice during the cooking time, until the skins are dried and crisp. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely – the skins will crisp up even more as they cool. 

Now back to the fritters. Heat the oil in a deep-fryer to 180°C (or see the tip on page 00). Line a baking tray with kitchen paper and set a wire rack on top of it. 

Cut the cheese fritters into 12 pieces, each about 5cm square. Get three wide, shallow bowls. Put some plain flour in the first bowl, the beaten egg in the second bowl and the breadcrumbs in the third bowl. Working with one at a time, first coat the fritters in the flour, then dip into the beaten egg, ensuring that it is totally covered before shaking off any excess. Finally, dredge it in the breadcrumbs.  

Carefully add four to six fritters to the hot oil (you need to cook them in batches so that you don’t overcrowd the fryer or the pot). Fry for 2 minutes, then turn them over with a wooden spoon and cook for 1 minute more, until golden. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the fritters to the wire rack on top of the lined tray to drain off any excess oil. Keep warm. 

Bring a pot of salted water to the boil. Add the pasta and cook according to the packet instructions (I always cook pasta for 3 minutes less than what it says on the packet so that it’s still al dente). Or if you’re using leftover pasta, cook it in the boiling salted water for just 2 minutes to reheat it. Drain and put the pasta back into the pot set over a low heat, then stir in the pesto and heat slightly until warm.  

To serve, divide between four bowls, put three fritters on top of each portion, then top with the carrot skin crisps.